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the joyers

about the concept

Item RE#238

Full of life, pain, fun, humour... some simple, some more complicated. Some difficult to understand, some easy to connect to. All of them parts of me.


They celebrate differentiation, love and acceptance in a world we can barely see or understand. They are here to tell us to accept ourselves as we are. To embrace our different roles & emotions. To love.


We have more than one role in life. We have more than one feelings at the same time. And pain? Is it part of joy?  Must we feel the pain in order to appreciate life and the joy therein?


Towards the joy of feeling life. Of living life. Of falling in love with life itself. Of loving ourselves​.​

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joy k.

becoming a joy artivist

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I'm Joy K. Art and fashion Concept Generator. Joy Artivist. Brand Strategist. Awarded Fashion Designer. Creative Mentor & unshakable optimist dedicated to helping people find their inner joy.​


I am not just the generator of "The Joyers" concept. This is one of my roles. One of my sides. An artistic way to express my feelings. A way to feel connected with the weird ones. Those who believe that they are different, unique, but part of the magic of this Universe. Those who don't fit in one label and find their happiness when in balance with their different roles in life.



here is my story​


You see, "The Joyers" were born during the toughest period of my life, when I was full of pain inside me, feeling depressed. While I was working, while I was in meetings, while I was succeeding in the Greek fashion industry -being a fashion designer and a fashion marketing expert- smiling to everyone, helping everyone around me, I was bleeding inside me. I didn't fit in any role that others and I had put me in. I couldn't fit in the present and the future that I had created and was considered by everyone a success. 


I remember myself at the peak of my career as a fashion designer, feeling that I want to offer more to the world. I was holding my second award as Best Trendsetter - hours after the ceremony following my fashion show during the Xclusive Designers Fashion Week, in Athens - saying to my friends "So what? This is an award for reaching the dreams that I had in the past. How can this change my world? Now what?"


I had many questions to answer. The same questions that many face at a crucial point in their life, when they instinctively "smell" that they have to take the risk of revealing a new reality, out of their comfort zone.



My Creative Journey


It was in a meeting with some of my clients that I found myself sketching some weird faces. And I continued sketching everywhere... At work, at cafés, when at parties, in bed, everywhere! And I was sketching on napkins, in my notebook, my iPhone, on a piece of paper, at the back of a leaflet. Everywhere! Who me? Yes, the one that many many years ago I thought I was truly and incredibly untalented.


And then it hit me! This was it. The Joyers (this is how I started calling my sketches), those two-sides, three-sides or many-sides faces that I was sketching are intended to show to the world not only how I feel, but how every human being may feel. They will show that we may have many roles, in our life. Not just one. And it's ok. They will show us that we may have many (maybe contradicted) feelings inside us. And it's ok. They will show us that we may have both efficient and imperfect traits that work or not in favour of us. And it's ok. It's ok to be me. It's ok to be us. It's ok to be you. As far as you start learning who you really are. This is what I understood.


This is my personal journey now. To become one with my truth. To accept myself to the fullest. To embrace who I was, who I am and to become the wonderful woman I dream of, part of whom I am proud to be already.



Project: The Joyers by Joy K.

So, these are "The Joyers": part of my world and hopefully of your world, too. A vibrant project to play with. I can imagine them on large buildings, distracting joyless people from counting their steps on the grey pavements. I picture them being displayed in the world's greatest museums, so as for millions of people to see them, touch them, interact with them. I envision them on airplanes, as they don't see limits, borders or nations; transmitting their message to all humans, embracing their differences. I dream of them covering spacecrafts -creating new worlds. [Take a look at my Dreamlist to see some of my dreams]



You, me & Joyers​


If you have read all this, you have probably already embraced part of my creative expression and for this I am truly grateful. You see, I cannot change the world by myself. How about trying together to make a real impact into this world? Let's make together a colourful, meaningful, artful step towards celebrating the uniqueness of the human kind and towards motivating more people find their unique voice, too.


I am waiting for your thoughts, ideas, or proposals. So, why don't you help me spread some more joy?"



Joy K.

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